Image courtesy of Emmy
Welcome to Elust #12 -
Your source for sexual intelligence and inspirations of lust from the smartest & sexiest bloggers! Whether you’re looking for hot steamy smut, thought-provoking opinions or expert information, you’re going to find it here. Want to be included in Elust #13? Start with the rules, check out the schedule in the site’s sidebar and subscribe to the RSS feed for updates!
~ This Week’s Top Three Posts ~
Vanilla Impaired, Flesh - Her mind awash with the thought of fucking. The smell of his scent stirring her cunt, her skin alive and encased by lust.
Pandora Blake, Putting energy in - Play is energising, at its best; so when both of you are tired, sex or spanking can be a way to get away from it all, rejuvenate your emotional connection and stimulate body and brain with a flood of hormones and endorphines.
And Eating It, A Rude Awakening - In the depths of the night, I half wake to the feel of her cool skin wrapping itself around my back. Soft breasts pushing against my ribs and her groin moulding itself to my buttocks.
~ Elust Editress ~
Dangerous Lilly, Shouldn't - It always starts off so inconspicuously. Innocent, like the sort of teasing that might occur now and then between any other pair of friends who share a hint of attraction to each other.
~ Featured Post (Lilly’s Pick) ~
Joe Heather, Comfort - She’s so strong and yet, when we lie down together, she makes herself small and vulnerable for me. ”Hold me” she says in a tiny voice
See also: Pleasurists #73 and #74 for all your sex toy review needs.
All blogs that have a submission in this edition must re-post this digest from tip-to-toe on their blogs within 7 days. Re-posting the photo is optional and the use of the “read more…” tag is allowable after this point. Thank you, and enjoy!
Erotic Writing
Back Story
Writings On Domestic Bliss, bodystocking blowjob
Katie Knight, Bella Durmiente
Phlye, Began my day
J Y Davis, Bubbleland
Diary of an Undercover Kinkster, Fiction: Growth
First Meetings...
Josette Sheridan, Game On
Insatiabear, "Make Me"
Eden Cafe, Mauled at Noon
Marc Nobbs, Monday Morning Flash - "Bathtime"
in my little pocket of the world, musing/not asking
Oh, What a Night
PandaDementia One Last Surprise
Lady Pandorah, Over-Ruled?
Dirty Details, Park 'N Ride Me
Long Distance Sub, Slut with Wine Bottle
Sindian Tadka, Stardust
Porno Person, Satin Met a Laddie
Curvaceous Dee, Unravelled
Kink & Fetish
Kinky World, BDSM Advice Series: Gags
Domme for a day
Kinky Sex Link, FetInRealLife #12 – DIY Flogger
Beyond Xs and Ys, First Memories
Domme Chronicles, Impact
Last Night
New friends and intense, sweaty, loud orgasms
Lady Evyl, Out with the Old, in with the New
Diary of a Kinky Librarian, Sluts, Squirts and Swing Clubs
Pieces of Jade, Steel
Submissive Guide, Submissive Skills: Hunt Slut
RTWS, Trust
Butchtastic, taking her as My girl, discovering the Dom within
The Spanking Writers, "Welcome to SpankingCast, our spanking podcast"
Sex News, Interviews, Politics and Humor
Exploring Intimacy, Building Community for Sex-Positive Sexuality Professionals
The American Orgy, Soaking -- Marinating in the Cunt of Christ
Thoughts & Advice on Sex & Relationships
Gay Pride
Going Bareback
The Dirty Geisha, I Can't
Eden Cafe, Ladies, what do your genitals say about you?
Ask Garnet, My Identity is Erased
More Bad Advice
My Rape Story
Just for Crystal, Read and you may learn...V-massage
Psychology of Rape Fantasy- An Overview
Essin Em, Support Survivors
More Sex Chocolate and Red Lipstick, Top 10 Good Things About A LDR
Eden Cafe, You Shur Got a Pretty Mouth

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