Elust Rules

Elust Rules for Participation:

Elust works best if everyone included in the edition re-posts the full edition on their own blog, retweets the tweets announcing the new edition and comments on other people's posts.

You may be able to copy and paste the digest into your visual editor or the html version is updated every month on the digest code link.

Each edition then becomes a small community where everyone is doing their best to promote your blog post and you're returning the favour by promoting them too.Everyone with a post included in Elust is eligible to win the Elust contest.

There will be three prizes of £50 each for the first three people to publish a unique re-post of Elust.

To be eligible for one of the prizes, your re-post will need to include at least a few paragraphs of writing in your own words in the form of a sentence of your own next to each link and/or category, and/or your own introduction describing the contents of the latest Elust.

It can be in any currency eg if you're in USA, £50 GBP is about $68 USD.

The winners can choose any voucher from a reputable site that  has gift vouchers I can buy and send by email.

You Can Add a Sentence or Two in your Own Words Next to Some or All of The Links in the Digest.

This isn't compulsory but it makes for a fun incentive to read everyone's posts and search engines like the digests better if they're unique. Adding your own comments to the digest should improve the boost your SEO gets from participating in Elust.

Your post must contain mostly original content.

This means it can’t be a re-posting of something that has already appeared on someone else’s site, or that was written by someone else. Yes this does mean no Guest Posts.

Your post may not contain solely a photo or audio/video clip.

If a reasonable amount (i.e. more than a short paragraph or two) of original content writing is accompanied by a photo or clip, then it will be accepted.

Eligible post dates are always going to be a month-long range

Your post must be less than one month old.

One submission per author, per blog per digest.

If your site has multiple authors, you can still only submit one post per month.

No content that goes against the sex-positive nature of the digest.

If you have a question on what exactly falls into that tag, just ask me or check out the updated FAQ page. This determination is at the discretion of the editor.

Elust Diversity Policy

Elust welcomes contributions from people from all different social and ethnic backgrounds and of different genders and sexual orientations. If you oppose diversity in general or express views disparaging others based on sexuality, gender, age, religion and beliefs, or marital or civil partnership status, your post will not be included on Elust.

You must fill out the submission form completely and properly.

When filling out the submission form, you must include a valid email address and the direct link to your post.

You cannot submit a post that resides on a blog you do not own.

If your post was included as a guest post on someone else’s blog, you cannot submit it because you cannot control their adherence to the participation rules of Elust. If they would be willing to submit it for inclusion, they can do so. The email address used on the form then must be the address for the blog owner, the person who is in charge of management and posting.

Post titles are now subject to a character limit in the submission form but still must match the post title on your blog as much as possible.

There's a 45-character limit on blog post titles on the submission form.