Image courtesy of Janie.
Welcome to Elust #16 -
Your source for sexual intelligence and inspirations of lust from the smartest & sexiest bloggers! Whether you’re looking for hot steamy smut, thought-provoking opinions or expert information, you’re going to find it here. Want to be included in e[lust] #17? Start with the rules, check out the schedule in the site’s sidebar and subscribe to the RSS feed for updates!
~ This Week’s Top Three Posts ~
Mistress Arabella, Sex Pistil's Guide to Sucking Great Cock - The penis is not something to be feared. It’s not something to hide from, and it’s definitely not something to be put up with the good china and used for special occasions only. The penis is alive and breathing, so to speak, and as such, is not a one-size-fits-all, if-one-guy-likes-it, all-guys-like-it kind of entity.
Love Sex Feminism and Cats, An Erotic Vignette - "You will come, and when you do, you will yell my name. Because I own you." "No," she whispered again, terrified. The last part of herself... total control over her pleasure, the responses of her body... surely he couldn't... but his eyes said he could.
J S Got Game, Dual Erotica: Tahoe - We finally reach our floor and excitement wars with nervousness in my head. After all, it's been a long, long time for me. I don't have the body I once had; I'm not nearly as experienced as you are. But there is no turning back, not that I want to
~ Elust Editress ~
Dangerous Lilly, Does Size Matter? - I am most definitely a size queen when it comes to my sex toys…but there’s a reason for that. Using a dildo is very VERY different from how I get fucked by a guy.
~ Featured Post (Lilly’s Pick) ~
Curvaceous Dee, I Want It All - Gender (identity) is different to (biological) sex. Biologically there are males and females, and those who identify as neither (intersex). But it’s sure as hell not that simple, no matter what society says.
See also: Pleasurists #80 and #81 for all your sex toy review needs.
All blogs that have a submission in this edition must re-post this digest from tip-to-toe on their blogs within 7 days. Re-posting the photo is optional and the use of the “read more…” tag is allowable after this point. Thank you, and enjoy!
Thoughts & Advice on Sex & Relationships
Along OUR Beating Path
Life on the Swingset, Bringing Sexy Back
Eden Cafe, Equality
Insatiable Desire, Fear (No Loathing) in Las Vegas
Getting Started in Swinging – Clubs
I'm a woman, and I like porn.
Insatiable Desire, M says I'm a good girl!
Life on the Swingset, Nerves & Dysfunction - Erectile Issues in the Lifestyle
Diary of a Kinky Librarian, Revelations (Of the Feminist and Slut Kind)
Ask Garnet, Sex Addiction
Submission is not an excuse to be Spineless!
Having My Cake and eating it too, Semi-Rape - Couldn't Say No
Brit is Shameless, Toys Vs. Cocks
Eden Cafe, Transtastic: On Why My Relationships are Queer
Lady Pandorah, Words, Words, Words
Sex News, Interviews, Politics & Humor
Sex Ed
Eden Cafe, The Uncensored Realm of Internet Erotica
Kink & Fetish
67 orgasms will do this to a woman
Mistress Arabella, Bless Me Father... For I Keep Sinning
Domme Chronicles, Can I?
Lady Evyl, Life List: TortureGarden Party…check
RTWS, Three is a Magic Number - Part 1
Erotic Writing
#8 - Sharing is Caring
Joe Heather, A Gracious Acceptance
Lady Dragonfly, disrobing
Mistress Arabella, Erotica: Like This
Soft Lips Warm Body, Gagging her...
100 Ways to Be Perverse, Homecoming
I Opened My Eyes
Love, Sex And The Snooze-Button
The Lust Files, Not Now
Mystic Satyr, Phone Threesome
Vineyard Road, Remember...?
heels n stockings, sex is sex no matter the sex
Writings on Domestic Bliss, sexy photoshoot - part II
Geek Evolution, The Customer
Femme Fatale Teen, Tall Summer Grass
Glimpses of Dave, The cave of unimaginable sincerity and beauty
Very Far from Heaven
Blue-Eyed Vixen, With heels on

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