Elust FAQ’s
Do I have to republish the entire digest?
I do my best to encourage people to promote Elust and co-promote with other people from Elust but nothing is compulsory.
There is a monthly contest with a £50GBP gift voucher prize every month to encourage peoplke to re-post Elust and promote other Elust contributors.
Overall since I bought Elust people's willingness to co-promote and collaborate with others seems to be improving a lot with time.
This year it's my goal to publish an edition of Elust where everyone with a link in that edition re-posts.
I think people are getting the idea of how much value Elust has if a lot of people re-post in terms of SEO and reaching a wider audience.
Especially if everyone adds their own unique comments to their re-post. I think that works a lot better for SEO as search algorithms greatly prefer unique content to identical re-posts.
Do I have to use the Elust cover image in my Re-post?
No. If you prefer to publish the re-post without the cover image, that's fine.
Or you can replace the cover image with one of the Elust banners. eg this one =
I'm having trouble re-posting Elust - can you help?
The digest code is the easiest way to re-post.
You might also be able to copy and paste the latest edition from the Elust homepage.
If you're still having trouble, welcome to email me and I'll do my best to assist you.
What kind of posts does Elust accept for submission? (or in other words “I don’t write erotica, Elust must not be for me”)
Elust is not just about erotica! There are so many awesome posts in the sex blogger realm that would be very welcome in Elust. Opinion pieces, how-to articles, interviews and discussions of sex in the news, thought-provoking journal entries, and more. Our brain is our biggest asset and our biggest sex organ. That is what Elust is for. If you ever question if your post/blog is right for Elust, just ask us!
Do you have a badge for others to use for linking?
The badge is below!

Or the html code is =
<div align="center"><a
alt="Elust Sex Blogs" width="300"
If you manually add the image to yor site, please link it to https://elustsexblogs.com/