Image Courtesy of Babe Lincoln
Welcome to e[lust] - The 10th edition! Your source for sexual intelligence and inspirations of lust from the smartest & sexiest bloggers! Whether you’re looking for hot steamy smut, thought-provoking opinions or expert information, you’re going to find it here. Want to be included in e[lust] #11? Start with the rules, check out the schedule in the site’s sidebar and subscribe to the RSS feed for updates!
~ This Month’s Top Three Posts ~
Uncommon Curiosity, Negotiation – Not Nearly As Awkward As Having a Breakdown in Public
All the worries about getting to know a new person (“Am I dressed ok? Are they gonna like my stories about my grandma?”) get exaggerated when you’re talking about sex and desire…
Pornoperson, Dollar Store Domme
He definitely can’t elude the dollops of toothpaste I dab onto his nipples. It takes a delicious second before he feels the cool burn penetrate his flesh. By that time I’m already up and selecting a plastic spatula from the credenza.
Eden Cafe, The Best of Both Worlds or Lost in Limbo?
Whether intentional or unthinking, bisexual denial is a frustrating thing for bisexual, pansexual or ‘fluid’ people to have to deal with.
~ e[lust] Editress ~
Dangerous Lilly, Navigating Genderqueer in Suburbia
But pray tell how do the rest of us navigate it? How the hell am I supposed to know if you identify as male or just like dressing like one?
~ Featured Post (Lilly’s Pick) ~
BBG Blog, The Daddy Issue: Sexualizing Abuse
I needed to walk through this fear, and turn it into pleasure. I needed to prove to myself that he hadn’t broken me. That he hadn’t changed who I was to become. That I was not affected by what he did. That he didn’t abuse me.
See also: Pleasurists #69 and #70 for all your sex toy review needs.
All blogs that have a submission in this edition must re-post this digest from tip-to-toe on their blogs within 7 days. Re-posting the photo is optional and the use of the “read more…” tag is allowable after this point. Thank you, and enjoy!
Erotic Writing
Jae Bunny, 15 Minute Phone Sex
Joe Heather, …And Orgasms On Demand
JY Davis, A Neighbor In Need #7
Crystal’s Cravings, Afternoon Delight!
JS Got Game, Casino
Sugar Butch, Desperation & Dominance
Packing Vocals, Dreams
Geek Evolution, Evening Home, Part 3
Erotic Writer, First Asleep Loses
Really And Truly, Happy Ending
Another Suburban Mom, I Got….
Aurotica, I Am a Keeper of Secrets
Hubman’s Hangout, I Got Fucked
Androgynonamous, I Am Coming for You: A Letter to Scin
Fantasies of an Unofficial Concubine, Late Night Satisfaction
MalFlic, Lolita’s Mother
Our Sex Secrets, Making M Squirt
My Desire, Sir ~ Intro
The Dirty Geisha, The Hatter
RTWS, Trussed
Please Hurt Me, We fucked, they applauded
Glimpses of Dave, Where there is a libido, there is a way
Scintellectual, Wicked Wednesday: Idyll
Thoughts & Advice on Sex & Relationships
More Sex, Chocolate and Red Lipstick, 20 Reasons Why Sex Is Good
Dirty, sexy, Pretty Fun, Defining Sex
Curvaceous Dee, Hurt me, Pet
Femme Fatale Teen, I Was Raped
Eden Cafe, Playing Dumb
Eden Cafe, Red Flags of an Abusive Partner, Part 2
The Blogging Slave, Restrictions and Satisfaction
Dick-N-Jane, Someone Else’s Shoes
They Belong To Us, Sex Isn’t Everything
Bondage Radio, The Art of Sensual Touching-Caressing for You and Your Partner
Ask Garnet, The STI You Haven’t Heard Of: Molluscum Contagiosum
Neamhspleachas, The Suit
And Eating It Too, Vibrant Woman Or Live Masturbation Sleeve
Femme Fagette, What I Don’t Need
Kink & Fetish
Nymphetamine Kiss, A Little Girl’s Need for Submission
Sweatshop Sissy, Are You Done Yet?
Spanking Writers, A Reformatory Punishment
Kinky World, BDSM Advice Series: Floggers
One Submission, Bruises
Bent Bear, Determined to Bind
The Pink Poppet, His Slut
Longing's End, I Really Wasn’t In The Mood
Domme Chronicles, Impact
Diary Of A Kinky Librarian, Pain and Healing
Robin's Red Bottom, Questions From DH About These Things We Do
Suspiria, Surrender
Insatiable Desire, Sub Drop: Fact or Fiction?
Nisha Domme, Tiiu Ashcraft – Fetish Artist and Beauty
Sex Etc Etc, The Eroticism of Tattoos
Leather Yenta, The Competition
Dangerous Liaisons Aurore, Wanting to Want
Sex News, Interviews, Politics & Humor
Pop My Cherry Review, A History of Violence
Debauched Domestic Diva, Asshat of the Day Award
Papercuts And Plastic, Awesome Mentoring Work and Upcoming Apprenticeship

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