Photo courtesy of Dangerous Lilly
Welcome to Elust #20 -
Your source for sexual intelligence and inspirations of lust from the smartest & sexiest bloggers! Whether you’re looking for hot steamy smut, thought-provoking opinions or expert information, you’re going to find it here. Want to be included in Elust #21? Start with the rules, check out the schedule and subscribe to the RSS feed for updates!
~ This Week’s Top Three Posts ~
On Making Sex Last: Cheerleading & Open Relationships - as long as the possession stuff can be fun and consensual, and not interfering with each other’s sovereignty, I think the two—cheerleading and possession—aren’t necessarily mutually exclusive.
Owned - I had almost forgotten that while here, with him, I was HIS plaything. I was OWNED by him. We had discussed this. I knew the rules. I must not forget again.
The sheer indecency of what we are doing - Is he looking for what I’m looking for? Surely so—all men want that, don’t they? A flaming succubus that comes only in the dark to bring unworldly pleasures and leave behind strange lingering dreams that spice their dutiful daytime lives.
~ Featured Post (Lilly’s Pick) ~
Shanna Katz, Stop Hating on Campus Sex Education - Clearly, there is a need for this education, because if it doesn’t come from sexuality educators, it comes from word of mouth (which can often provide incorrect information), or from the internet, or from trial and error.
~ Elust Editress ~
Dangerous Lilly, Is it Really "Strange" Sex?
See also: Pleasurists #96 and #97 for all your sex toy review needs.
All blogs that have a submission in this edition must re-post this digest from tip-to-toe on their blogs within 7 days. Re-posting the photo is optional and the use of the “read more…” tag is allowable after this point. Thank you, and enjoy!
Kink & Fetish
Pandora Blake, A teabreak tawsing
Domme Chronicles, Blow job
Vineyard Road, Caribbean Screw
Kinky With Class, His evil twin
Butchtastic, My adventure in subbing continues
Lolita Wolf, My Big Pink Robot
The Blogging Slave, Play Party!
Lady Evyl, Sisters unite for the MFW, part 2
Bad Bad Girl, The one with the Violet Wand
Diary of a Kinky Librarian, Turning Lemons into Lemonade
Thoughts & Advice on Sex & Relationships
Bombshells and Rockstars, Cunning Linguists Are We: Cunnilingus 101
Life on the Swingset, Crushing Swingerphobia by Hitting the Club
Bombshells and Rockstars, Coming Out & Invisible Illness
Having My Cake and eating it too, Hold Up Stockings
Malfic, My First Grue in Review
Life on the Swingset, NSE – New Swinger Energy
Essin Em, Relationships and Emotions
Sadie's Thoughts on Cheating. Confession #507
Life on the Swingset, Three’s Company, Too – Dreaming of the Multi-Relationship Home
michellaneous, The Sisterhood
Kit O'Connell, Thoughts on bisexuality and visibility
When I'm Done With Crying...
Sea of Neptune, Why Lie, Why Cheat?
Erotic Writing
RTWS, A Raise
corsets and cardigans, Any Idea?
Facts and Friction, Buttlove
long-distance sub, Building the Anticipation
Product of Demented Sex, Coming Back to Me
Joe Heather, Extraordinary Uses for Ordinary Objects
Enslaved, "Enslaved The Story of Jen" Chapter 13
lust and confused, Fantasy: Waking Up
Blue-Eyed Vixen, Hotel windows...
sex babble, I Give Good Head
Fantasies of an Unofficial Concubine, Lipstick Kisses
Three Penny Upright, Like Mother, Like Daughter
His Dirty Little Girl, My first little girly night
Whip and Apple, One Night With NSVG
Sexxxcapades, Oh, What a Night!
Scandal in the Choir Loft, Revisited
Geek Evolution, Rekindling
Bombshells and Rockstars, She
Something in the Air
Phlye, sacks, part one
Dirty Details, The Quick Ebony Fux
Missy Starrk, up lateish

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