Photo courtesy of Sapio Slut
Welcome to Elust #26 -
Your source for sexual intelligence and inspirations of lust from the smartest & sexiest bloggers! Whether you’re looking for hot steamy smut, thought-provoking opinions or expert information, you’re going to find it here. Want to be included in Elust #27? Start with the rules and subscribe to the RSS feed and Twitter for updates and submission reminders.
~ This Week’s Top Three Posts ~
F-ck Yes, Bikery - The mental image of Suzy mounting this thing and pedaling herself towards a quaking orgasm flashed across my mind’s eye and I grinned into her face.
Looking Through, If you are monogamous can you learn to be polyamorous? - Do you think that someone who is monogamous can learn to be polyamorous for a partner, or do you think they are courting disaster?
A Slut’s Memoir, Hot Wax - I detached myself from what she was doing to me. *breathe* She pulled again. I came from the pain, motionless, silent, and helpless to stop it. She continued.
~ Featured Post (Lilly’s Pick) ~
29 Pearls, Spring - My eyes wide, there was no time for reaction as another crowd was wandering down the path. Our eyes locked and Daniel smirked, attempting to find something innocuous to say.
~ Elust Editress ~
Dangerous Lilly, What is Sex Positive? - Just because I create & run something, doesn’t mean I’m a dictator. e[lust] is as much yours as it is mine, and I value the opinions of everyone.
Erotic Writing
Lady Grinsoul, 6. Gluttony
Sexpert Jane Blow, Erotica: Suit & Tie Guy VS The Construction Worker pt II
Bombshells and Rockstars, Gang·bang»ed
Missy Starrk, hot and bothered...
Mystic Satyr, In the Morning
Our Sex Secrets, My First Blowjob
Sexxxcapades, Oh, What a Sight!
Rubyyy Jones, Skate / For Wank Wednesday
Vineyard Road, Soak(ed)
Glimpses of Dave, The tables have turned
Joe Heather, Wanting it Bad. Wanting it Hard
Huff863, What I will do with a dildo: Sing, do with a dildo
Kink & Fetish
Sapioslut, As much sex as he can fuck into me
Diary of a Kinky Librarian, Afternoon Sex x 4
Heartbreak Nympho, Fetish/Fashion
Evey Bird, I used to be a Masochist
Whip and Apple, Now Lick My Boots Clean, Submissive
Pieces of Jade, Open
Dark Gracie, Plug Me
Domme Chronicles, Rope play
Curvaceous Dee, Staked Out
Heels N Stocking, spank, fisted and strung up
My Hot Sex Storys, The Room
Thoughts & Advice on Sex & Relationships
Literary Wench, A sex-positive female in a sex-negative society
Molly’s Daily Kiss, A Period Drama
Lust and Confused, On Safer Sex and STIs; Musings on The Swingset
Leather Yenta, Question Month #4
RTWS, Sense of Responsibility
Kit O'Connell, Simple?
And Eating It Too, Touch My Cock
Neamh Spleachas, Why Did I Engage?
Sex News, Interviews, Politics & Humor
Pop My Cherry Review, Hello, My Name is Danny Wylde
Harlot Overdrive, Internet Pornography and Women: It doesn’t have to feel bad

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