Welcome to Elust #29 -
Your source for sexual intelligence and inspirations of lust from the smartest & sexiest bloggers! Whether you’re looking for hot steamy smut, thought-provoking opinions or expert information, you’re going to find it here. Want to be included in Elust #30? Start with the rules, check out the schedule and subscribe to the RSS feed for updates!
~ This Week’s Top Three Posts ~
Molly’s Daily Kiss, Evidence To The Contrary - If anyone out there ever tries to tell you that internet relationships and friendships are not real, point them in my direction and I will happily set them straight on the matter because I have proof, in fact I am proof, that they know not what they speak of.
RTWS, Open Marriages Don't Work.... - The only way I would agree with that statement is if you add: .....if you're marriage already has problems. But even that part is not universally true.
Lady Grinsoul, Love in the Age of Broadband - What happened to our ability to keep it casual? Why would we attach ourselves to someone who is (often) hundreds, if not thousands, of miles away? And, more to the point, why would we attach ourselves to someone we have never met?
~ e[lust] Editress ~
Dangerous Lilly, Ask Lilly – Open and Polyamorous: Why be married at all?
~ Featured Post (Lilly’s Pick) ~
My apologies, everyone, since submissions closed I've been 100% consumed with personal family tragedy (the flooding in Central PA) so I didn't have time to read most of the entries this time or find a photo. The html code might contain a lot of blank lines for some of you, I didn't have time to "clean" it up, either, just throw up what I have.
All blogs that have a submission in this edition must re-post this digest from tip-to-toe on their blogs within 7 days. Re-posting the photo is optional and the use of the “read more…” tag is allowable after this point. Thank you, and enjoy!
Thoughts & Advice on Sex & Relationships
Curvaceous Dee, Ask Aunty Dee: Dental Dams
Missy Starrk, born this way...
Rubyyy Jones, Clit Truth
Hubman’s Hangout, Condoms and Size
A Poly Life, Lies & Infidelities
Literary Wench, Misguided Dominance
Kit O'Connell, Poly Language
Michellaneous, Return to Decadence
Lust and Confused, Step Inside My Head
Harlot Overdrive, Who was the first person you told..
Dee Dennis, When Bad Things Happen To Good People – Warning Bells
Sex News, Interviews, Politics & Humor
Leather Yenta, To Be Out Or Not To Be Out
Lady Evyl, Want Sado-Erotic Horror Movies? Yes please! Films by Matthew Saliba
Neamh Spleachas, What I've Learned From E[Lust]
Kink & Fetish
Pieces of Jade, A Much Needed Distraction
Domme Chronicles, Another drink?
Vineyard Road, Caged
A Slut’s Memoir, Facing Fear
Perverted Imp, Negotiation Win
Erotic Writing
Joe Heather, As Long As It Lasts
The Redheaded Slut, Asking For It
Illithyia, Anticipation
Geeky Nymph, Blow Job
Mystic Satyr, Campfire
Our Sex Secrets, Debra's Gift
Husband of Two Minds, Feral
Three Penny Upright, Fantasy
Lance Greencastle, June’s Caning
Un Frisson Nouveau, Please, Please, Please, Sir
Black Silk, Showers and Strawberries
The Enigmatic Angel, slick
A True Unfolding, The Visitor
Naked in High Heels, The Play Fight

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