Image courtesy of Katherine Sinclair. Photography by AT Glamour London.
Welcome to Elust 148
Congratulations @thebarefootsub for winning the monthly Elust Contest for March!
Hope you enjoy your £50 @HonourClothing voucher.
Honour specialises in turning your fantasy into reality. With everything from PVC and latex dresses to leather restraints and harnesses, not to mention a range of satisfying and exhilarating sex toys and costumes.
A big thank you to everyone who contributed to Elust 147, reposted the edition on their blogs and for retweeting the tweet announcing the new edition.
I'm very happy to see a lot of people are sending in posts and most contributors are re-posting the edition, re-tweeting the tweets and commenting on other people's posts. A few Elusters have started adding their comments next to the links in the edition, which is awesome to see. I think making your re-posted version of Elust unique by adding your comments will be much better for your SEO. Search algorithms prefer unique content.
This is my one year anniversary as owner and curator of Elust. It's been challenging, rewarding and a lot of fun. I've published 12 editions now and many more to come!
Elust is the only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month.
Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions, it’ll be here at Elust.
Want to be included in Elust #149? Send in a post anytime and I'll add it to the next edition.
Please subcribe to email updates to receive two emails per month from Elust. A reminder once a month on the 1st to send in submissions and a copy of the latest edition of Elust on the 15th of every month.
Featured Post by the Winner of Elust Contest for March, The Barefoot Sub.
barefoot sub, Threesome: The Clue Is In The Name
Erotic Fiction
Asrai Devin, Safe chapter 3
Jerusalem Mortimer, Droit de Seigneur 34
Sissitrix, Maneater
The Cunning Linctus, The Needy Princess
Life of a Kinky Wife, For Sale by Owner
Dancer in Chains, Moon Feather: Part 33: Clothes
Her Desires, The Shower
Ambyr Leigh, Strangers in the Den
Thoughts & Advice on Sex & Relationships
Super Smash Cache, Diary of a Sex Educator: my job vs. dating
Lillith Avir, F For Friend
Frank Noir, Are You Bad at Watching Porn?
Ruan Willow, 9 Essentials for a Sex Vacation and How to Pack Them
Thoughts & Advice on Kink & Fetish
Simone Francis, Kinks- Spankings
Body Talk and Sexual Health
Molly's Daily Kiss, Ageing and Changing
Erotic Non Fiction
My Dissolute Life, Fucking Charlotte
Mistress Victory, Hellraiser
Morgan Destera, Surprise Visit
Sugarbutch, The Right One
Sex Work
Oz Bigdownunder, Balla Balla Bootcamp for a Mummy's Boy. A Duo with Miss Myers.

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