Image courtesy of Mistress Andrómeda X.

Welcome to Elust 165

Elust is the only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month.

Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions, it’ll be here at Elust.

Congratulations to the barefoot sub, winner of the Elust contest for August. I hope you enjoy your £50 GBP voucher for Regulation.



Thoughts & Advice on Kink & Fetish

Super Smash Cache, Breaking Chains: Reimagining BDSM Roles

Erotic Fiction

When Jerry Met Ali, Fantasies

FYHO Writes, Coffee

Voyageur, Reverie

Jerusalem Mortimer, Bedroom Eyes 28

Sex News, Opinion, Interviews, Politics & Humor

Liz BlackX, The Rise of the Penis Plush aka Piemel Knuffel

Writing about writing

Ramone Quides, Musings and Flashers and Hope, Oh My!

Body Talk and Sexual Health

barefoot sub, Cracking Tits? Or Lumps, Bumps And Flaws?

Product Reviews

Oz Bigdownunder, Review of Velociraptor Dildo from Laphwing

Morgan Destera, TOY TEST – Celani Nipple Sucker

Princess Previews, We-Vibe Ditto+

Sex Work

Victoria Myers, Large chest for sale!

Jack Violet, No Data on Prostitution? Just Make It Up!

Evelyn Vale, Evelyn Becomes a Client!

Sex Worker Search, Common Words on Sex Worker Sites

Thoughts & Advice on Sex & Relationships

Gab Alexa, Monogamists get a lil polyamory as a treat on the Ultimatum

Girly Juice, People With Penises Can Wear Strap-Ons Too!

Books and Movies

Madeleine Blair, The Shelves of a Feeble-Minded Book Slut: Part One



Everyone with a post included here in Elust now has a chance to win a gift voucher of your choice to buy something sexy.

The voucher will be for £50 GBP or whatever that converts to in your currency.

Choose any voucher from a reputable site that has gift vouchers I can buy and send by email.

The winner will be the first person to score 5 out of 5.

1) Re-post Elust on your own blog eg the barefoot sub Elust 164 using the html digest code or by copy and pasting from the Elust homepage.

2) Retweet the tweets announcing Elust on twitter.

3) Leave a comment on at least one blog post featured in Elust or contact someone else from the latest edition about some kind of collaboration or co-promotion. Send me an email or twitter message if you do collaborate and want me to count this as a point for you in the monthly contest.

4) Make your re-post unique by including your own comments next to all, or some, of the links and/or replacing the introduction with your own. For Example Sex Worker Search Elust 164. You're also welcome to replace the cover image with the Elust logo or with a different image of your choice.

5) Add the Elust Meme Image to the end of your post to be included in Elust, or to anywhere you like on your site eg sidebar, and link it to or put a hyperlink to Elust anywhere on your site eg on your links page.

Here's the html code for the Elust meme image.

<div align="center"><a
alt="Elust Sex Blogs" width="300"







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