Image courtesy of Adrianna Assante.
Welcome to Elust 168
Elust is the only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month.
Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions, it’ll be here at Elust.
Congratulations @Tiger_Lily_Toys, @s3xw0rkersearch and @SBestmassage winners of the Elust contest for November. Hope you enjoy your £50GBP gift vouchers.
There are three prizes every month of £50 each for the first three people to publish a unique re-post of Elust.
To be eligible for one of the prizes, your re-post will need to include your own comments written in your own words.
Here's an example of Elust 167 with a unique introduction and unique comments next to the links.
For SEO purposes, non-identical re-posts of Elust are much better for your search ranking, and it's more appealing for your readers, so I'm trying to encourage people to write their own comments next to each of the links, or a paragraph for each category and/or write their own introduction.
Books and Movies
Sally Bend, Book Review: Principle Decisions by Thea Belmont
History of BDSM, I Love a Man in Uniform (1993): The Celluloid Dungeon
Oz Bigdownunder, Exit To Eden, by Anne Rice
Thoughts & Advice on Kink & Fetish
Cut to the Chaste, What’s Wrong With Forced Feminization?
barefoot sub, A little pick me up.
The Disorderly House, BDSM Aftercare
Podopheleus, Unlocking Pleasure: 14 Essential Prodomme Tips for Baby Subs
Erotic Fiction
Ramone Quides, Tender Domination
When Jerry Met Ali, End
Tabitha Rayne, Sexy Ghost Story – Mia’s Books
Sex Work
Kristina J, Squeeze me Please Me
Lady Phoenix, Double Deflowering
Sandra, Happy Poo Emoji
Sapora Knight, What to Do When Your Sexual Expectations Fail You?
Sex Worker Search, Revolting Prostitutes Book Review
Product reviews
Liz X Likes, Tracy's Dog Flowliper Vibrator - Innovative Features and Honest Insights
Princess Previews, Review: Velvet Thruster Prime
Witch of the Wands, RawLoveStudio Moonbean Unicorn Dildo
Sex Machine Reviews, Uncle Bob Silicone Dildo From John Thomas Toys
Sex Toy DB, Qiui BeatPat Electro-Spanker Review: Is This Thing Even On?
Thoughts & Advice on Sex & Relationships
Buzzvibes, Keeping Your Toys Clean: A Guide to Protecting Your Health and Pleasure
Want to be included in the next Elust? Send in a post anytime for inclusion in the next edition.
Please subcribe to email updates to receive two emails per month from Elust. A reminder once a month on the 1st to send in submissions and a copy of the latest edition of Elust on the 15th of every month.
ps. Please connect with Elust on reddit, fetlife and twitter.

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