Welcome to Elust 178
Elust is the only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month.
Whether you're looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice, or kinky discussions, it'll be here at Elust.
If you have a post included in Elust 177, please re-post the latest edition on your own blog, ideally with your own unique comments next to each link, or a paragraph for each category and/or write your own introduction.
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Here's an Example of Elust 177 published by Sandra with a unique introduction and comments next to the links.
Thoughts & Advice on Sex & Relationships
Musings of a Switch, Porn thoughts
Tantric Sexual Healing, Sacred Sex: A Path to Deep Connection and Spiritual Awakening
The Disorderly House, How to Fuck Yourself, An Ultimate Sexual Self Intimacy Guide
Betty's Toy Box, Experience Your Ultimate Pleasure: 10 Types of Orgasm for You to Try
Erotic Non Fiction
Kristina J, Manners Matter: Why Being Polite is Sexy (and Non-Negotiable, Even for Sex Workers)
Awakening Your Inner Essence, Exploring The Full Body Orgasm: A Personal Journey as a Tantric Practitioner
Little Red Spanking, The Lover’s Spat: A Paddle Story
Thoughts & Advice on Kink & Fetish
Pain as Pleasure, Building A Role Play– Chat GPT and the end (or beginning) of everything
Erotic Fiction
Jerusalem Mortimer, In the Realm of the Sensei Prologue-3
Sugarbutch, Don’t Swallow
Jasmine Gold, A Nun's Humiliation
Product Reviews
Buzzing Babe, The Best Male Vibrators for Pleasure You Didn't Know Existed (2024)
Liz X, Powerful Pleasure: Kiiroo's Duo Powerblow FeelPocket Stroker
Sex Work
Hellga, One Overnight in Paris. Fly Me to You
Miss Kim Rub, Top Five BDSM Practices
Sex Worker Search, How to Send a Takedown Request to an Escort Directory
Femina Viva, How to Set Your Price (or not) as a Sex Worker
Sandra, Flogging, DP and Two Pearl Necklaces. A Duo with Oz
Nuit d'Or, Self-care For Dominants
Oz Bigdownunder, I Fucked Her Sissy Tits Off. A Duo with Lady Ava Sheridon and Her Sissy Slave
Books and Movies
History of BDSM, Strangeland (1998): The Celluloid Dungeon
Simone Francis, Watch Me
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